Featured Artists

Geode Bowl by James Aarons


A self-proclaimed “reformed modern dancer” and ceramic artist who moonlights as a yoga teacher, Bay Area artist James Aarons focuses a passion for movement and flow into his art while ceding to the grounded, Earthly nature of clay.

“Clay and yoga share the necessity of exploring space in combination with earthy materials. Plus heat. As if by a gentle stroke of magic, each discipline transforms the ordinary (clay and body) into the extraordinary (vividly colored stony forms and limber consciousness). Whether it’s making a drawing of a line or articulating a direction in space through fluid manipulation, the quality of the movement that creates the mark or gesture is what attracts me most.”

- James Aarons

His Geode Bowl series features a smooth, round bowl with an asymmetrical center, while the outer edge of the bowl comes to an almost sharp corner, evoking the natural, imperfect, and bold shapes formed by the Earth.Earthenware, underglaze, and glaze.While these bowls are non-toxic and can be hand washed, the artist recommends using them for display only.

10″ diameter.


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